The inside scoop…


  • Good question! When I first dreamt up The Sevens I knew they had an earthy, witchy vibe. So, I worked with a fabulous cover designer to give them gorgeous covers.

    BUT over the course of their releases I heard from a number of readers that they weren’t sure which genre they were. So, I went back to my glorious designer and asked for her help to reimagine them as the steamy, paranormal romances they are. And thus, the purple covers were born.

    I wasn’t willing to let the other ‘art’ covers go though, so they are available for paperback. And I think it’s the perfect way to showcase the story of The Sevens with beautiful covers that suit everyone’s tastes!

  • In all there will be 8 books in The Sevens series itself, including the prequel novella.

  • Yes! The Sevens are a linked, sequential series. In order to keep you from reading spoilers, and so the whole story makes sense, it’s best to read them in order - though you do NOT need to read the prequel novella, as that precedes the real story.

  • I get new ideas ALL the time. It was a day in late August 2019 when I first had the idea come to me. I reached for my trusty legal pad and scratched out the basic premise for all 7 books. Lots has changed since that initial skeleton idea, but the ideas have never stopped flowing.

  • Sort of. I got an English degree, with a concentration in creating writing. BUT my focus was really on creative NON fiction - personal essay and memoir style prose. So, moving into fiction and romance was a big change. But it’s a blast and I wouldn’t change a thing.